Meie lugu
LaSpa lugu sai alguse 2021. aasta jaanuaris, kui LaSpa kauaaegsed hotellikinnistu omanikud võtsid üle spaahotelli igapäevase tegevuse. Eesmärgiga muuta LaSpa terviseoaasiks, mis inspireeriks kõiki külastajaid tegema igapäevaelus väikseid muudatusi, et parandada heaolu ja õnnetunnet.
LaSpa omanikud
Anna Elam and Peter Elam Håkansson
Love at first sight
Anna and Peter first visited Laulasmaa 17 years ago when they travelled around Estonia with their then small four boys. The Elam family has always enjoyed active holidays. It was important to them to have activities to keep the children entertained, so they looked for beautiful beaches and hotels with swimming pools to spend their vacation at. Laulasmaa had just been renovated and looked very beautiful. There started a deep connection with the Elam family and Laulasmaa that has now tied them together in this beautiful wellbeing journey.

100 aastane side
LaSpa omaniku Peter Elam Håknassoni vanaisa Lars sõitis Rootsist Eesti iseseisvussõja eest võitlema
aastaid tagasi. Peeter kuulis lapsepõlves nendest seiklustest korduvalt lugusid ja tundis juba siis suurt huvi arengute vastu Baltikumis ja ülejäänud Ida-Euroopas.
Nii et niipea, kui Rootsi ja Eesti vahel avati lennuliin, tuli ta külla. Ja juba 1994. aastal tegi Peter oma esimesed investeeringud Baltikumi, 1997. aastal asutas ta koos kaaslastega East Capitali ja käivitas 1998. aastal Baltikumi aktsiafondi, mis on investeerinud paljudesse äridesse ja aidanud neil kasvada. Täna on East Capital ülemaailmne firma , mis keskendub arenevatele turgudele. East Capital on ka üks suurimaid kinnisvarainvestoreid Baltikumis.
Inspire to a happier & healthier life
Our wish is to increase the wellbeing of our guests by inspiring them to make little changes in their daily lives to become healthier and feel better.
For us, wellbeing is a special word that means so many different things. It’s the great feeling you get when you’re in one of our pools or saunas or have just completed a workout in our gym. And it’s that sense of total relaxation you experience after a long massage. Follow this with a healthy cup of tea stretched out on a chaise-longue in front of the fire in our wellness spa NAUDI LaSpa.
You can also find wellbeing in the great outdoors. It’s. . …
- walking in the magical pine forest (something the Japanese call Shinrin-Yoku or forest bathing in English). This is scientifically proven to have health benefits such as reduced blood pressure and even an improved immune system
- jogging or hiking along the beach when the sun is shining in a clear blue sky — or even on a windy and rainy day — and feeling revitalised and rejuvenated
- a windsurfing lesson when you manage to catch the wind in your sail, or yoga and meditation in the clean pine-scented air
- definitely watching the sun set over the sea with a cold drink in your hand!
What could be better for your wellbeing than a long dinner with family and good friends? Angelica Udeküll’s Wicca Restaurant is one of the best in Estonia. You can enjoy local specialities prepared with the best natural ingredients and served with a fine glass of wine.

About the hotel
LaSpa resort is located between the pine forest and beautiful sandy beaches. The 11,000 square-foot hotel features 142 rooms, a 1,700 square-foot water and sauna centre, a brand new wellness centre Naudi LaSpa, a conference centre with seven different sized conference rooms and three restaurants.
Beautiful interiors are an essential part of the LaSpa experience. We are constantly improving the hotel facilities and have already come a long way. In 2021 we opened a completely remodelled wellness spa Naudi LaSpa and in 2022 we opened a totally remodelled luxurious Beach House. The next step now is to upgrade all our rooms and corridors also in the main building.